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Virtual Friday Class - Georgia O'Keeffe Flowers

In this online class, we will learn about the artwork of Georgia O’Keeffe and then paint a larger than life flower. The work of "O’Keeffe is world-renowned and we will emulate the intricate method she uses to bring into view small things such as a flower. Our goal is to magnify a flower so that we can see and admire its beauty.

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Supplies needed:

  • A large piece of cardboard

  • Paint

  • Palette (you can use paper plates or plastic lids)

  • Paintbrushes

  • Water & water cup

  • Paper towels

*If you do not have these supplies and do not wish to purchase them, this class and the art can still be achieved by using basic supplies such as paper, pencil and any coloring tools you may already own. Please do not let this deter you. I will be demonstrating with the supplies listed above, but the making of art is still possible with any supplies. Let me know how I can help in any way.

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